Stock photography double vision – a cautionary tale
I did a double-take when I saw a billboard that really demonstrated the pitfalls of stock photography. Here, I write about how to keep your message – and your images – unique.
Giving up on WordPress parent themes and frameworks was the best thing I ever did
How I gave up on parent themes and frameworks, and learned to love coding WordPress the hard way.
iOS 10 – the good, the bad and the frustrating
iOS 10 is packed with improvements and new features. Here’s my favourites so far – plus one major interface failure that surprised me.
Take command of your Mac: essential tips for a better experience
Would you drive a car around in first gear all the time? Leave the radio station on whatever it was set to at the factory? Of course not. But I'm constantly surprised (and pained) at how many people do equivalent things on their Mac, and suffer as a result, whether...
MailChimp tip: resend to previous recipients
I recently was asked by a client how to do this, and thought it would make a great tip to share generally for those who are using MailChimp. Here’s my illustrated step-by-step guide!
Vancouver Sun unboxes a boxy new look (but a vastly better site and app)
On Tuesday, April 5, the Vancouver Sun unveiled a complete redesign of its print, web and app versions. The result? Some surprising blunders and some long-awaited improvements. Here’s my full analysis.
Pics of NetSquared Vancouver Meetup presentation on nonprofits and technology
Last night I attended a Meetup organized by NetSquared Vancouver, a group that connects nonprofit & technology communities. It was a "Nonprofit Technology Show and Tell", and thus was a great opportunity to show off my database solution for Vancouver Rape Relief...
Secret solution to doing the genre shuffle in the iOS Music app
If you want to just shuffle all your Rock, your R&B or Jazz, it seems impossible… until you know the almost-secret method. But there’s an even easier method than that. Read on as I reveal all!
An inside tour of a rescued and reimagined local building
This distinctive corner seemed fated to morph into more cookie-cutter condos, but this time, for once, it didn’t turn out that way. Check out the inside of the stylish revamp of the former Blockbuster Video at 16th and Oak.